What is a bunion?Bunion

A bunion is a “bump” on the joint at the base of the big toe. This forms when the bone or tissue at the big toe joint moves out of place. The toe is forced to bend toward the others, causing a painful lump of bone on the foot. Surgery may be advised when a bunion has progressed to a certain point, or is causing ongoing pain despite conservative treatments.

About Bunion Surgery

Dr Buckley uses modern techniques that can significantly reduce patient’s recovery time compared to the traditional surgery approaches that are still used by many Australian foot surgeons.

Surgery for bunions involves both removal of the bunion, and correction of the problem by realigning the bones in the foot. Compression screws or staples are used to allow healing to occur  where the bunion has been corrected. Depending on your situation, you may be a candidate for Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery. 


Most patients are allowed to bear weight and walk on their foot immediately after surgery. Additionally, they can often return to activities much sooner than some of the more traditional approaches of bunion correction.

Bunion surgery usually involves a day surgery procedure under general anaesthesia or light sedation and normally takes 45 minutes to complete.

Patients are usually permitted to walk for short periods on the foot immediately following surgery wearing a special postoperative sandal. Dr Buckley recommends that patients take care of their foot to ensure good healing of the bone. This involves at least 6 weeks of gradual return to activities following the surgery. During this time, Dr Buckley prefers to review his patients regularly to make sure that their recovery is on track. 

Reasons to indicate bunion surgery 

  • Pain in the big toe joint and the bunion
  • Problems fitting into shoes
  • Pain when performing normal activities
  • Crowding of the small toes leading to deformity and painful corns and calluses
  • Failure of conservative treatments such as orthotics, different shoes, padding or splints

How surgery may help

  • Alleviate pain
  • Correct the misalignment of the joint
  • Prevent further misalignment of the foot
  • Enable patient to wear normal shoes and participate in regular activities

The following short video explains the procedure that Dr. Buckley most often performs

To book a consultation with Dr Ned Buckley regarding Bunion Surgery, please contact our clinic on 9481 8194 or use our online  booking system for an instant appointment. 

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.