Corns and calluses can be defined as:
- a build up of thick skin on the foot.
- They are part of the body’s defence system to protect the underlying tissues.
- They can range from being mildly uncomfortable to painful and debilitating.
- Calluses often appear on the bottom of the foot around the forefoot, as well as the heel and around the sides and tips of the toes.
- Hard Corns can occur on the top and sides of toes and also along the bottom of the foot.
- Soft Corns in most cases appear between the toes.
- People with certain medical conditions, skin types or who undertake certain activities may be more prone to developing corns and calluses.
- Corns and calluses sustained due to heavy weight bearing activities such as running or hiking, if left untreated may further develop into blisters or even ulcers and infection.
- Corns and calluses are a risk factor for people with diabetes or poor sensation and/or circulation as they can potentially contribute to the development of foot ulcers
- Corns and calluses occur when something rubs against the foot repeatedly or causes excess pressure against part of the foot.
- Excessive pressure at the balls of the feet—such as regularly wearing high heels or tight fitting footwear —may cause calluses to develop in this area.
- Shoes that are too big, or the wrong fit for your foot shape can also cause friction and contribute to the development of corns and calluses.
- People with certain foot shapes (excessively flat or high arched) or with deformities of the foot, such as hammertoes, are more prone to corns and calluses.
Signs and Symptoms
- Calluses typically have a rough, dull appearance
- Calluses may be raised or rounded, and they can be hard to differentiate from warts
- Calluses may be painful or cause a sensation of numbness
- Corns are often funnel shaped and dig into the skin rather than protrude out
- Corns can be particularly painful, as they tend to intensify the pressure into one spot
- Corns may develop into ulcers if left untreated
- Corns may feel like a stone or pebble stuck under your foot.
- Corns may be hard or soft depending on the location on the foot.
- Soft corns develop between the toes and in places where skin is pinched between underlying bones.
- Diabetics are at risk if they develop corns or calluses
Dr Anh Hoang offers the following conservative treatment options:
- Removal of the corn or callus with the use of a specialist instrument
- Biomechanical evaluation
- Footwear advice
- Orthotics to redistribute pressure
- Use of appropriate emollients to keep the skin hydrated and prevent build up
- Advice for ongoing self care and prevention of the reoccurrence of this complaint
To book an appointment with Dr Anh Hoang, please click the button below for an instant online appointment or call our clinic on 9481 8194.