Is this the first time you have visited a Podiatric Surgeon or Podiatrist?  This guide will prepare you for your initial consultation and help make the most of your time with us.

Before Your Visit

  • Make a list of your symptoms and questions.
  • Make a list of all medications and any previous surgeries.
  • Gather and bring important medical records and laboratory test reports from other doctors or hospitals (including X-rays, MRIs, and lab results).
  • If your problem involves walking and/or exercise, bring your walking/exercise shoes with you to the appointment.
  • If you are considering surgery, check with your Private Health Insurer about your level of cover.

During Your Visit

  • Go over your list of questions.
  • If you do not understand an answer, be sure to ask for further explanation.
  • Discuss your symptoms and any recent changes you may have noticed.
  • Talk about all new medications.
  • Describe any allergies.
  • Tell your surgeon if you are pregnant or if you are trying to get pregnant.
  • Let your podiatrist know if you are being treated by other doctors.

 To book a consultation with Dr Ned Buckley, please contact our clinic on 9481 8194 or use our online booking system for an instant appointment.