Causes of fungal nail
• The toenails are particularly vulnerable around damp areas where you are likely to be walking barefoot, such as swimming pools and showers etc.
• Using unhygienic nail instruments; This may occur at nail salons when instruments are not sterilized correctly and the infection is spread from one customer to the next. This can also happen when family members share nail scissors and files.
• Injury to the nail bed may make it more susceptible to all types of infection, including fungal infection. Injury can occur as a result this might direct trauma to the toe or nail, or sometimes there may be pathology under the nail such as a exostosis (bone spur). You podiatrist may want to investigate further if an underlying pathology is suspected.
• Those with diabetes, circulatory problems, or immune-deficiency conditions are prone to fungal nail infections
Signs and Symptoms
• Fungal toenail infections often occur without causing any pain. Pain may be a sign of a secondary underlying pathology and so correct diagnosis is important.
• The toenail will often become discoloured (yellowish/brownish).
• The nail may begin to come away from the nailbed (lysis), which will result in white or yellow patches and lifting of the nail.
• The nail may become soft and crumbly.
• Fungal skin infections may spread from the skin to the nails if left untreated.
Diagnosis & Treatment
Once it has been confirmed that your symptoms are being caused by a fungal infection, our clinic offers several options for treatment.
To book an appointment with Dr Anh Hoang, please click the button below for an instant online appointment or call our clinic on 9481 8194.