An ingrown toenail is a very common condition in which the corner or side of a toenail grows into the soft flesh of the toe.  The skin along the edge of the nail can either be growing over the nail, or the nail begins to grow underneath the skin.

Which treatment option is best?

If you are experiencing an ingrown toenail for the first time, Dr Anh Hoang offers conservative treatment options to remedy the ingrown nail and provide immediate pain relief.  If however you are experiencing a recurrent ingrown nail/s, a permanent surgical option may be advised.

Dr Buckley offers the Phenolisation surgery techniques to permanently treat ingrown toenails. Large studies have shown procedure to be equally safe and effective, with very high success rates. The ingrown toenail surgery is performed at our West Perth clinic. The procedure takes around 10 minutes and is normally performed under local anaesthesia. 

Phenolisation procedure 

The chemical nail ablation technique is advised for more simple ingrown toenail issues where no excessive tissue growth is present. The  affected side of the nail is cut and removed, and then a chemical (phenol) is applied to the nail matrix to prevent the regrowth of the ingrown toenail.  Recovery from this procedure takes around 2 weeks for the wound to fully heal. 

Dr Anh Hoang typically performs this procedure under local anaesthesia in his rooms in West Perth.

Ingrown toenail phenolisation procedure

Ingrown toenail surgery indications

  • Painful and recurring ingrown toenail
  • Conservative podiatry care has been ineffective

Ingrown toenail surgery aims

  • Removal of problematic nail growth
  • Reduction of pain and prevention of further infection

To book a consultation with Dr Anh Hoang regarding your ingrown toenail, please contact our clinic on 9481 8194 or use our online booking system for an instant appointment.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.