Subungual exostosis is a common, often misdiagnosed condition affecting the toe which causes progressive discolouration, lifting and thickening of the nail over time. In this problem, a bony spur develops underneath the toenail which causes pressure on the overlying nail and results in changes in appearance over time. Subungual exostosis surgery involves shaving of the bony spur and repairing the damaged nail bed. New nail growth takes between 3-6 months, which will be monitored by Dr Buckley at regular intervals to ensure that normal progress is being achieved. This surgery can lead to a significantly improved cosmetic appearance of the toenail, and avoid further degeneration.

Indications for subungual exostosis surgery

  • Painful toe/toenail secondary to the spur
  • Difficulty wearing enclosed shoes
  • Progressive nail dystrophy secondary to the underlying spur

Aims of subungual exostosis surgery

  • Reduce pain and deformity
  • Prevent further nail damage

To book a consultation with Dr Ned Buckley regarding Subungual Exostosis Surgery, please contact our clinic on 9481 8194 or use our online booking system for an instant appointment.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.